Recently released Xiaomi Pocophone F1 smartphone, which differ greatly from other devices in the company. One of its features - Launcher, which does not have all applications on the desktop, is in a separate list. In this, programs are automatically sorted to different classes.

 Now Xiaya has released a trial version of the player on Google Play and is ready for full version. Currently, the app can be downloaded as an APK. Must run on most Android smartphones running Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later versions.

When you download an APK, turn it on and install. Open the app and in Android settings make it the default manager. To find the section you want, enter "Default apps" in the search settings. It will also be necessary to provide the operator with all necessary permits, when requested.

You can specify icons, customize the grouping by category or color, and disable the panel by using frequently used applications.